A new version of laravel-fatture-in-cloud is available, you can find the documentation here (opens new window)

# laravel-fatture-in-cloud

This Laravel wrapper allows you to integrate a Laravel e-commerce platform with the invoicing program Fatture in Cloud (opens new window) using Api.

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# Installation and setup

# Basic installation

You can install this package via composer using:

composer require offline-agency/laravel-fatture-in-cloud

The package will automatically register its service provider.

To publish the config file to config/backup.php run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OfflineAgency\FattureInCloud\FattureInCloudServiceProvider" --tag="config"    

# Test Environment

Fatture in Cloud API section

# Basic Usage

Create a new invoice on FC

$invoiceRequest = [
  'id_cliente' => '0',
  'id_fornitore' => '0',
  'nome' => 'Mario Rossi',
  'indirizzo_via' => 'Via delle Betulle, 123',
  'indirizzo_cap' => '21012',
  'indirizzo_citta' => 'Curno',
  'indirizzo_provincia' => 'BG',
  'indirizzo_extra' => '',
  'paese' => 'Italia',
  'paese_iso' => 'IT',
  'lingua' => 'it',
  'piva' => 'IT1234567890',
  'cf' => 'ABCDEF12G34H567I',
  'autocompila_anagrafica' => false,
  'salva_anagrafica' => false,
  'numero' => '1a',
  'data' => '21/01/2021',
  'valuta' => 'EUR',
  'valuta_cambio' => 1,
  'prezzi_ivati' => false,
  'rivalsa' => 0,
  'cassa' => 0,
  'rit_acconto' => 0,
  'imponibile_ritenuta' => 0,
  'rit_altra' => 0,
  'marca_bollo' => 0,
  'oggetto_visibile' => '',
  'oggetto_interno' => '',
  'centro_ricavo' => '',
  'centro_costo' => '',
  'note' => '',
  'nascondi_scadenza' => false,
  'ddt' => false,
  'ftacc' => false,
  'id_template' => '0',
  'ddt_id_template' => '0',
  'ftacc_id_template' => '0',
  'mostra_info_pagamento' => false,
  'metodo_pagamento' => 'Bonifico',
  'metodo_titoloN' => 'IBAN',
  'metodo_descN' => 'IT01A2345678900000000001234',
  'mostra_totali' => 'tutti',
  'mostra_bottone_paypal' => false,
  'mostra_bottone_bonifico' => false,
  'mostra_bottone_notifica' => false,
  'lista_articoli' => 
    0 => 
      'id' => '0',
      'codice' => '',
      'nome' => 'Articolo 1',
      'um' => '',
      'quantita' => 1,
      'descrizione' => '',
      'categoria' => '',
      'prezzo_netto' => 0,
      'prezzo_lordo' => 0,
      'cod_iva' => 0,
      'tassabile' => true,
      'sconto' => 0,
      'applica_ra_contributi' => true,
      'ordine' => 0,
      'sconto_rosso' => 0,
      'in_ddt' => false,
      'magazzino' => true,
  'lista_pagamenti' => 
    0 => 
      'data_scadenza' => '21/01/2021',
      'importo' => 0,
      'metodo' => 'not',
      'data_saldo' => '21/01/2021',
  'ddt_numero' => '',
  'ddt_data' => '21/01/2021',
  'ddt_colli' => '',
  'ddt_peso' => '',
  'ddt_causale' => '',
  'ddt_luogo' => '',
  'ddt_trasportatore' => '',
  'ddt_annotazioni' => '',
  'PA' => false,
  'PA_tipo_cliente' => 'PA',
  'PA_tipo' => 'nessuno',
  'PA_numero' => '',
  'PA_data' => '21/01/2021',
  'PA_cup' => '',
  'PA_cig' => '',
  'PA_codice' => '',
  'PA_pec' => '',
  'PA_esigibilita' => 'N',
  'PA_modalita_pagamento' => 'MP01',
  'PA_istituto_credito' => '',
  'PA_iban' => '',
  'PA_beneficiario' => '',
  'extra_anagrafica' => 
    'mail' => '[email protected]',
    'tel' => '012345678',
    'fax' => '012345678',
  'split_payment' => true,

$invoice = new Fatture;
$invoiceResponse = $invoice->nuovo($invoiceRequest);

if ($invoiceResponse->success) {//Invoice created
    $doc_id = $invoiceResponse->new_id;
} else {//Error

# Entities

# Account

$account = new Account;
$account->getInfo(['campi'=> ['key']])

# Available Methods

  • getGenericInfo(): it checks api key and return info about api rate limit
  • getInfo(): it returns info about (just pass the correct key instead of key see previous example ):
    • Business name - nome
    • Licence expiration : durata_licenza
    • Licence type: tipo_licenza
    • Currency list: lista_valute
    • Vat list: lista_iva
    • Country list: lista_paesi
    • Template list: lista_template
    • List of payment method for the sales: lista_conti
    • List of payment method for the purchase: lista_metodi_pagamento

# Registry

$customer = new Clienti;
$supplier = new Fornitori;

# Available Methods

  • lista(): return a list of all customers/suppliers;
  • nuovo(): it allows to create a new customer/supplier
  • importa(): it allows to create a customer/supplier in batch
  • modifica(): it allows to edit a specific customer/supplier
  • elimina(): it allows to delete a specific customer/supplier

# Products TO DO

# Documents Issued

$invoice = new Fatture;
$receipt = new Ricevuta;
$quotation = new Preventivi;
$order = new Ordini;
$dealing = new Rapporti;
$credit_note = new Ndc;
$proforma_invoice = new Proforma;
$supplier_order = new OrdiniFornitori; 
$delivery_note = new Ddt;

The possible document are:

  • invoice
  • receipt
  • quotation
  • order
  • credit note
  • proforma invoice
  • dealing
  • order supplier
  • transportation document

# Available Methods

  • lista(): return a list of all documents;
  • nuovo(): it allows to create a new document
  • importa(): it allows to create document in batch
  • modifica(): it allows to edit a specific document
  • elimina(): it allows to delete a specific document

# Purchases TO DO

# Compensation TO DO

# Warehouse TO DO

# Mail TO DO

# Use Cases

# Create an invoice

Using Observer pattern to create an invoice on Fatture in Cloud after order creation in your E-commerce application.

# Update a customer

Using Observer pattern when update a customer propagate the change also in Fatture in Cloud

# Add a new product

Using a job you can publish a new product on your ecommerce from Fatture in Cloud

# Update a product availability

Using a job keep update a product avaiability on your ecommerce and also in Fatture in Cloud

# Roadmap 🚀

  • Demo: New repository with full examples and functionality. Synchronization from application and Fatture in Cloud and vice versa
  • Tests: Add test to achieve 100% of test coverage
  • More Validations: Add more validations before send request to the API.
  • L8 Compatibility: Add Laravel 8 support

# Questions & issues

Find yourself stuck using the package? Found a bug? Do you have general questions or suggestions for improving the plugin? Feel free to create an issue on GitHub (opens new window), we’ll try to address it as soon as possible.

If you’ve found a bug regarding security please mail [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.

# About Us

Offline Agency (opens new window) is an agency based in Padua, Italy.

Open source software is used in all projects we deliver. This is just a few of the free pieces of software we use every single day. For this, we are very grateful. When we feel we have solved a problem in a way that can help other developers, we release our code as open source software on GitHub (opens new window).

This package was made by Giacomo Fabbian (opens new window). There are many other contributors (opens new window) who devoted time and effort to make this package better.

Last Updated: 6/7/2022, 3:10:35 PM