# laravel-fatture-in-cloud-v2
A simple Laravel integration with Fatture in Cloud APIs v2 (opens new window).
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This is the documentation for the API v2. You can find the package for the API v1 here (opens new window)
# Installation
Install the package through Composer (opens new window).
Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:
composer require offline-agency/laravel-fatture-in-cloud-v2
You should publish config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\LaravelFattureInCloudV2ServiceProvider"
# Configuration
Package provide multiple-companies handling. In your config you can provide more companies like that
'companies' => [
'default' => [
'id' => env('FCV2_DEFAULT_ID', ''),
'bearer' => env('FCV2_DEFAULT_BEARER', '')
'first_company' => [
'id' => env('FCV2_FIRST_COMPANY_ID', ''),
'bearer' => env('FCV2_FIRST_COMPANY_BEARER', '')
'second_company' => [
'id' => env('FCV2_SECOND_COMPANY_ID', ''),
'bearer' => env('FCV2_SECOND_COMPANY_BEARER', '')
Then you can specify (or not) a company on class initialization:
// take the default
$issued_documents = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\IssuedDocument();
// specify company
$issued_documents = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\IssuedDocument('first_company');
# Features
# All HOT
This package provide all()
method that allow you to get an array of all results without pagination. It's implemented for all endpoint that provide a list method with pagination. Let's see an example:
$issued_documents = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\IssuedDocument();
$issued_document_list = $issued_documents->all('invoice');
# Pagination
This package provides a pagination system that allow you to move between pages using simple methods:
$issued_documents = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\IssuedDocument();
$issued_document_list = $issued_documents->list('invoice');
// check if the response has more than one page
// check if the document has a next page
// check if the document has a previous page
// return documents of the next page
// return documents of the previous page
// return documents of the first page
// return documents of the last page
# Bin HOT
This package provides bin() method for deleted issued documents that allow you to get its detail. This is very useful, for example, when you convert a proforma into an invoice (deleting the proforma) and you need old document's detail. Let's see an example:
$issued_documents = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\IssuedDocument();
$response = $issued_documents->bin($document_id);
For the example described above the package also provide the binDetail()
method. It allows you to get the invoice from the ID of a deleted proforma.
# Rate limit HOT
This package provides a method to intercept throttle errors (403, 429) and automatically retry. You can specify limits on your config, remember to use milliseconds to indicate time:
'limits' => [
'default' => 300000,
'403' => 300000,
'429' => 3600000,
# Usage instructions & examples
This package provides a class for each api group like clients, issued documents, products... After instantiate one of them you can access to all its endpoints. Here you can see an example of just how simple this package is to use.
$client = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\Client();
$client_list = $client->list();
This snippet returns an instance of \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Entities\Client\ClientList
that provide 3 public methods:
that check if the list has at least one elementgetItems()
that returns an array of\OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Entities\Client\Client
from which you can access to all client's fieldsgetPagination()
that returns an instance of\OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Entities\Client\ClientPagination
from which you can access to all pagination's fields and methods
You can also specify query parameters passing an array:
$client = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\Client();
$client_list = $client->list([
'per_page' => 50
If the endpoint expect one or more required parameters and if it's a GET endpoint you can provide them as the follow:
$product = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\Product();
$product_detail = $product->detail($product_id, [
'fields' => 'id,name,code'
If the endpoint is a POST/PUT one you only need to provide an array with all parameters (required and not):
$product = new \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Api\Product();
$new_product = $product->create([
'data' => [
'name' => $product_name,
'code' => $product_code
The package validates body using Laravel Validators (opens new window). If something goes wrong the method returns an instance of \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag
that contains all errors.
# Api coverage
We are currently work on this package to implement all endpoints. Enable notifications on GitHub (opens new window) to be notified when new API are released.
✅ = implemented
🔜 = coming soon
❌ = not implemented
Each response entity has this prefix on the namespace: \OfflineAgency\LaravelFattureInCloudV2\Entities\
# User
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
✅ | Get User Info | - | |
✅ | List User Companies | - |
# Companies
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
✅ | Get Company Info | - |
# Clients
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
✅ | List clients | Client\ClientList | |
✅ | Create client | Client\Client | |
✅ | Get client | Client\Client | |
✅ | Modify client | Client\Client | |
✅ | Delete client | 'Client deleted' |
# Suppliers
# Products
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
✅ | List products | Product\ProductList | |
✅ | Create product | Product\Product | |
✅ | Get product | Product\Product | |
✅ | Modify product | Product\Product | |
✅ | Delete product | 'Product deleted' |
# Issued Documents
# Issued e-invoice
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
🔜 | Send the e-invoice | - | |
🔜 | Verify e-invoice XML | - | |
🔜 | Get e-invoice XML | - | |
🔜 | Get e-invoice rejection reason | - |
# Received Documents
# Receipts
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
✅ | List Receipts | - | |
✅ | Create Receipts | - | |
✅ | Get Receipts | - | |
✅ | Modify Receipts | - | |
✅ | Delete Receipts | - | |
✅ | Get Receipts Pre-Create Info | - | |
✅ | Get Receipts Monthly Totals | - |
# Taxes
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
❌ | List F24 | - | |
❌ | Create F24 | - | |
❌ | Get RF24 | - | |
❌ | Modify F24 | - | |
❌ | Delete F24 | - | |
❌ | Upload F24 Attachment | - | |
❌ | Delete F24 Attachment | - |
# Archive
# Cashbook
Done | Endpoint | Type | Response |
❌ | List Cashbook Entries | - | |
❌ | Create Cashbook Entries | - | |
❌ | Get Cashbook Entries | - | |
❌ | Modify Cashbook Entries | - | |
❌ | Delete Cashbook Entries | - |
# Info
# Settings
# Testing
composer test
# Contributing
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
# Security
If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
# Credits
- Offline Agency (opens new window)
- Giacomo Fabbian (opens new window)
- Nicolas Sanavia (opens new window)
- All Contributors
# About us
Offline Agency is a web design agency based in Padua, Italy. You'll find an overview of our projects on our website (opens new window).
# License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.